The parade coincided with the Mountain Oyster Festival. While I'm not inclined to eat any testicles, be they sheep, pig, or beef, the aroma of them cooking smelled good and tempting - but not tempting enough to actually eat them!
When we arrive in Virginia City, we decided to park at the end of the Parade Route. We had the entire parking lot to ourselves to decorate the carts and the horses prior to setting out for the beginning of the parade. We had an uphill climb after leaving the parking lot for the parade line-up. This gave our horses a chance to expend some of their energy and excitement prior to the parade. Sugar was so worn out from the uphill climb, she stood and snoozed for the hour prior to the parade even with flags flapping in her face from the entrant in front of us. She was so calm through out the entire Parade, that I suspect she has been in parades before. The ONLY thing she looked at was the first manhole cover we passed, and the rest she barely noticed.
Pictures from the day can be seen here:
Sugar was so good, I am hooked on mini's and can't wait for our next parade!